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Thermal Recuperative Oxidizer (TO)

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The Thermal Recuperative Oxidizer (TO) destroys VOCs discharged from various industrial processes using thermal oxidation and flexible heat exchanger arrangements. It is widely used in the process with the high concentration and particulates emissions, and recovers the oxidation thermal effectively. Thermal Oxidizers have diversified appearance. According to the workspace characteristics, Thermal Oxidizer can be designed in different shapes of vertical, horizontal or L-shape with the square or the cylindrical cavity.
Anguil’s Thermal Oxidizer with square cavity and interior heat exchanger.

Working Principle

The Thermal Oxidizer is designed based on volume of airflow, organic vapor concentrations and desired destruction efficiency. The contaminated air passes by the burner where it is raised to the thermal oxidation temperature for the specified residence time and an exothermic reaction takes place. The pollutants are converted to carbon dioxide, water vapor and heat within the reactor chamber. The heat exchanger can recover the thermal energy released during the reaction to reuse, and minimizes the system’s fuel consumption with the system being self-sustaining at moderate Lower Explosive Limits (LELs)

Thermal Recuperative Oxidizer (TO)Features

99.9%+ Destruction Efficiency
Can handle the stream from complex conditions with high concentration, halogen and salt bearing compounds.
Flexibly system design.
Primary or secondary heat and energy recovery solutions flexibly configured.
Custom oxidizer design options to meet space restrictions

Ideal applications

1.High destruction efficiency requirement.
2.High emission concentrations.
3.Multi-source emission with different working conditions.
4.Halogenated or salt-laden gas,
5.Particulates or viscous substances in the airstream.
6.Process heating needs.
7.High operating stability requirement.

Diverse Options

We provide custom design options to meet regulations and energy saving requirements.
1. mixed combustion oxidizer with waste gas and waste liquid.
2. Specialty oxidizer designs for salt-containing gas, liquid and halogen bearing corrosive applications.
3. Secondary heat and Energy Recovery Solutions for process heating needs.
4. Quench, Acid or alkaline gas scrubber module with a completely integrated control system.
5. SCR and other denitration module.
6. Wet desulfurization module;
7. dust removal system.

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