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Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer(RTO)

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RTO is widely considered to be an energy-efficient and cost-effective emission abatement technology. It uses ceramic media to repurpose the thermal energy generated during oxidization operation to reduce the operating cost and the energy consumption, this makes RTO very popular in the market.

Working Principle

RTO consists of two or more insulated chambers filled with high temperature ceramic media. In operation, the process stream enters the oxidizer via an energy recovery chamber where the high temperature ceramic heat transfer media preheats it prior to introduce it into the oxidation chamber. As the process stream passes up through the bed, its temperature rapidly increases. The oxidation reaction occurs at the combustion chamber where the pollutant laden stream is converted into CO2 and water vapor, and release a large amount of thermal energy. The hot, clean gas exit via the 2nd recovery bed and leave the heat in the ceramic media. In the next gas flow cycle, the process steam will flow reversely, the bed stored heat will act as the inlet end to preheat the stream. By switching the inlet, outlet and purge process periodically, the flow changes its direction into the oxidizer, and the process air complete in turn the preheating, oxidization, heat storage and release. The process of heat storage allows the thermal energy released by oxidation to be reused, saving the fuel consumption to preheat the process stream.
In order to maintain optimum heat recovery efficiency of the bed, the direction of process stream flow is switched at regular intervals by the automatic diverter vales on demand from the PLC control system.

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer(RTO)Features

Custom-designed poppet valves with minimal leakage, high destruction efficiency rate and optimized heat recovery.
Flexible and diverse system design;
System with high safety and stability;
Small equipment footprint.

Ideal applications

1.High DRE (Destruction Rate Efficiency) & TER (Thermal Energy Recovery) requirements.
2.Large Flow, low concentration process stream.
3.Wide range of temperature and contaminant capability.
4.Corporate sustainability drivers: low carbon footprint and highly energy efficient.

Diverse Options

1.Various chamber options including two-chamber, multi-chamber, or two-chamber coupled with purge tower to increase DRE.
2.Ultra-low NOx burners.
3.Supplemental Fuel Injection (SFI) system.
4.Hot Gas Bypass (HGB) for high VOC emission concentrations.
5.Secondary Heat and Energy Recovery systems for waste heat utilization.
6.Acid gas scrubber module with a completely integrated control system.

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