
2021 官網陞級中!眼前現今您訪問官網的瀏覽器設備分辯率寬度低於1280px


Building the Sustainable Low-carbon Industry


References – Petrochemical Processing – DOP

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant air discharged from an DOP plant

References – Petrochemical – EOEG

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: the VOCs pollutant gas and the waste liquid discharged from an EOEG plant
System installed by Anguil Asia: one set of Catalytic Oxidizer(CO) + one set of Thermal Oxidizer (TO) + heat recovery system

REFERENCE – Petrochemical Processing – MA

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas, the waste liquid and waste water discharged from a MA manufacturing line

References – Petrochemical Processing – PA

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas discharged from a PA plant

References – Petrochemical Processing – PIA

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas discharged from a PIA plant

References – Petrochemical Processing – PP

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas discharged from an PP plant

References – Petrochemical Processing – PTA

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas discharged from a PTA plant

References – Petrochemical Processing– SUB/SIS production

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas discharged from a SUB-SIS plant

References – Petrochemical Processing – Tank Farm

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas discharged from the tank farm of Petrochemical plant
System installed by Anguil Asia: One set of Vapor Combustor Units (VCU)

References – Petrochemical Processing – Polyester Resin

Markets & Application: Petrochemical Processing
Emission source: The VOCs pollutant gas discharged from a Polyester Resin plant
System installed by Anguil Asia: One set of Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO)

Making the pollution control system work

Clean air is very important for the health and safety of on-site staff, it also reflects the environmental awareness and social responsibility of an enterprise. A compliant air pollution control system can help to ensure the safety of the workplace, reduce harmful gas and carbon emissions, save energy consumption, and meet the environmental expectations of society and customers.

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